Medicinal plant No 11

Acalypha indica Linn. Euphorbiaceae (एरण्ड-कुलम्)

Eng : Indian acalypha Hin : Kuppikhokli (yrast) Kan : Kuppigida (FJesno) Mal : Kuppamēni (Alnycom) San : Haritamañjari (Efiah wort) Tam : Kyuppaimēni, Kuppavēņi (GURUJOL, GUL Guovofl) Tel : Kuppicettu, Kuppinta, Muripindi (5u3y3euro 5030w. 518302)

Distribution: A weed found throughout the plains of India The plant: An erect, annual herb with numerous ascending branches;

leaves long-petioled, ovate or rhombic-ovate, acute, cuneate at base, crenate-serrate, glabrous, thin; both male and female flowers in axillary spikes, male flowers minute, followed by a tuft of sterile flowers, the females scattered, 3 - 5 surrounded by a many-nerved bract; fruits capsules, small, concealed by the bract; seeds ovoid,

smooth, pale brown. Parts used: whole plant Properties and uses: The plant is bitter, acrid, expectorant, purgative,

emetic, gastrointestinal irritant and diuretic. The roots and leaves are used to treat skin diseases, constipation, ulcers, bronchitis, vitiated conditions of vāta, otalgia and croup.

कोकिला काकळी मुण्डा कुत्स्यपर्णी वृषोदरी । श्वेतशुण्ठी मुराकान्ता प्रोक्ता हरितमञ्जरी ॥” (स्व.) ["Kokilā kākaļi mundā kutsyapaļņi vrșodari Svētaśunthi murakāntā proktā haritamañjari" (Sva.)]

कासश्वासहरी तिक्ता कफघ्नी कटुका तथा । रेचनी मूत्रळा

चैव ज्वरवातहरा स्मृता ॥ तत्पत्रस्वरसं प्रोक्तं कर्णशूलहरं परम् । पत्रकल्कस्य वर्तिस्तु बालानां मलबन्धहृत् ॥ (स्व.)
["Kāsasvāsahari tiktā kaphaghni kațukā tathā Recani mutralā caiva jvaravataharā smrtā Tatpatrasvarasam proktam karņaśūlaharam param Patrakalkasya varttistu balānām malabandhahrt" (Sva.)]


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