Medicinal Plants No 38

Anacyclus pyrethrum DC. Asteraceae : (भृङ्गराज-कुलम्)

Eng : Pellitory Hin : Akarkarā (379) Kan : Akkalakara (08080) Mal : Akkikkaruka, Akkrāvų (Moal000), Mosong) San : Agragrāhi, Akärakarabhah (TTTET, 34014:) Tam : Akkirakkaram, Akkalkara (அக்கிரக்காரம், அக்கல்காரா) Tel : Akaråkaramu (esoos830)

Distribution: Indigenous to north Africa, introduced into south Europe The plant: A perennial, procumbent plant with numerous stems and

somewhat downy branches; leaves radical, stalked, smooth, pinnatisect into linear, subulate segments, cauline leaves sessile; branches one-headed, involucral scales lanceolate, acuminate, brown at the edge, receptacle convex; ray flowers white, purplish beneath.

The fresh root is fusiform, fleshy and very pungent, producing a sensation of cold followed by heat. When dry it is brownish externally and whitish internally. It tastes hot, induces salivation and

causes a burning sensatici in the stomach when ingested. Parts used: roots Properties and uses: Roots are acrid, astringent and are a valuable

sialogogue and regarded as a tonic to the nervous system. They are anti-inflammatory, depurative and powerful irritant. A decoction of the root is useful as a gargle in dental caries, odontalgia, pharyngitis and tonsilitis. It is used to treat paralysis, hemiplegia, cephalalgia, chronic ophthalmia, epilepsy, cholera, rheumatism and typhus fever. Powdered root is given with honey for epilepsy. It is recommended as a masticatory in vitiated vāta conditions of the face.

'अग्रग्राही परस्त्रैणः प्रतीकः प्रीतिकारकः । आकारकरभश्चैव फिरङ्गारी सुतेजनः ॥ (स्व.) ("Agragrāhi parastſaiņaḥ pratikaḥ prītikārakaḥ Akärakarabhascaiva phirangāri sutējanah" (Sva.)]"आकारकरभश्चैवाकल्लकोथि ह्यकल्लकः । (शा.नि.) ("Akārakarbhaścaivākallaköstha hyakallakaḥ" (Sā.ni.)]

“कतिक्तोष्णवीर्यो/सौ मेहहा वस्तिशूलहत् । शुक्ळमूत्रामयान् हन्याद्दन्तशूलविनाशनः ॥ वीर्यस्तंभकरो प्येषः शीलितः क्लैब्यकृत् परम् । तन्त्रानाडी ज्ञानशक्तिं कमात्तन्नाशयेत् ध्रुवम् ॥ (स्व.) ["Kațutiktosnaviryöſsau mehāhā vastiśūlahrt Śukļamātrāmayān hanyāddantaśūlavināšanaḥ ViryastambhakaroSpyēşaḥ śilitaḥ kļaibyakſtparam Tantranadim jnanasktim kramattannasayet dhruvam" (Sva.)]

"अकल्लकोष्णो वीर्येण बलकृत् कटुको मतः । प्रतिश्यायं च शोफ च वातं चैव विनाशयेत् ॥ (नि.र.) ["Akallaköşno víryēņa balakrt katuko mataḥ Pratiśyāyam ca śõpham ca vātam caiva vināśayēt (Ni.ra.)]


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