Medicinal Plants No 43

Anisomeles malabarica (Linn.) R.Br. Lamiaceae (तुळसी-कुलम्)

Eng : Malabar catmint Hin

: Códhără (TETT) Kan : Karitumbi (FOZJ029) Mal : Karintumpa (Dolmamu) San : Vaikunthaḥ, Mahädrónah (aqua, HEICTOT:) Tam: Pěyimarutti, Pěyåmeratti (CUILDIKL.14, Cuur OLIL_44) Tel : Mogabirāku (ZUXRO-53)

Distribution : Throughout south India (Deccan plateau) The plant : An erect shrub about 1.8 m in height with obtusely tetragonous

and softly white-tomentose stems and branches; leaves simple, opposite, very thick, aromatic, oblong-lanceolate, acute, pale above, white below, crenate-serrate, softly woolly; flowers purple, ir. dense whorls of more or less interrupted spikcs; fruits nutlets, ellipsoid, compressed, the inner face slightly angular, the dorsal rounded,

smooth, brown. Parts used: whole plant Properties and uses : The plant is acrid, bitter, aromatic, intellect

promoting, stomachic, anthelmintic, febrifuge and sudorific. It is useful in halitosis, epilepsy, hysteria, amentia, anorexia, dyspepsia, colic, flatulence, intestinal worms, fever arising from teething in children, intermittent fevers, vitiated conditions of vāta and kapha, gout, swellings and diarrhoea.

तृतीयस्तु महाद्रोणः स्तम्भो देवकृतस्तथा । वैकुण्ठो वनजन्मा च व्रणकीटरिपुः स्मृतः ॥ (अ.म.) ["Trtiyastu mahādroņaḥ stambho dēvakrtastathā Vaikuntho vanajanma ca vranakițaripuh smrtah" (

'अन्या चैव महादोणा कुरुम्बा देवपूर्वका । दिव्यपुष्पी महादोणी देवीकाण्डा षडाह्वया ॥ (रा.नि.) ['Anyā caiva mahādroņā kurumbā dēvapūrvakāDivyapuspi mahadroni devikanda sadāhvaya" (]

'देवदोणी कटुस्तिक्ता मेध्या वातातिभूतनुत् । कफमान्द्यापहा चैव युक्त्या पारदशोधने ॥ (रा.नि.) ['Dēvadroņi kațustiktā mēdhyā vātāșttibhūtanut Kaphamandyapaha caiva yuktyā paradasodhane" (]

कुतुम्बरं तत्सदृशं सूतिकाशूलजित्परम् । (ह.प्रि.) ["Kutumbaram tatsadrsam sutikasulajitparam" (Hr.pri.)]

"caolaonymmylouma oncooooo oalasooloo." (OJ...) ["Karintumpayumivannam visesat rucikrtparam" (Gu.pā.)]


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