Medicinal Plants No 21

Ageratum conyzoides Linn. Asteraceae (भृङ्गराज-कुलम्)

Eng : Goat weed, Appa grass Hin : Visadödi faggist) Kan : Nayitulasi (JDIJA) Mal

: Kattappa, Appa, Muriyan pacca (Hoşg, ong, Down) San : Vişamustiḥ (fource:) Tam : Pūmpullu (yly qui)

Distribution: : Throughout India, in plains and hills and in forests as

undergrowth The plants : A softly hairy annual weed upto 90 cm in height; leaves

opposite or the upper ones alternate, more or less hairy on both sides, margins ciliate; flowers pale in heads, pappus of 5-scales, dilated at the base almost cqualling the corolla; fruits achenes, black

in colour, 5-angled and attenuated at the base. Parts used : roots, leaves Properties and uses : The roots are bitter, acrid, thermogenic, digestive,

lithontriptic, appetiser and ophthalmic. They are useful in vitiated conditions of kapha and vāta, dyspepsia, anorexia, purulent ophthalmia, renal and vesical calculi and pharyngopathy. The leaves are styptic and antidysenteric, and are commonly used for haemorrhoids, wounds and sores. A poultice of the leaves is good for boils and the juice is used as a lotion for eyes. The tribals make use of the juice for treating fresh cuts and wounds.

"विषमुष्टिः केशमुष्टिः सुमुष्टिरणुमुष्टिकः । क्षुपडोडिसमायुक्तो मुष्टिः पञ्चभिधः स्मृतः ॥ (रा.नि.) । ["Visamuștih kēśamuștiḥ sumustiraņumustikaḥ Kșupadodisamāyukto musțih pañcabhidhaḥ smrtaḥ" (Rā.ni.)]

*विषमुष्टिः कटुस्तिक्तो दीपनः कफवातहत् । कण्ठामयहरो रुच्यो रक्तपित्तार्तिदाहकृत् ॥ (रा.नि.)
["Vişamuștiḥ kațustikto dipanaḥ kaphavātahrt Kanthāmayaharo rucyo raktapittārttidāhakrt" (Rā.ni.)]

“കാട്ടപ്പയരിശസ്സിന്നും നന്നു ദുർദ്ദേവതാഹരം.” (ഗു.പാ.) ["Kāțțappayarisassinnum nannu durddēvatāharam" (Gu.pā.)]

Remarks : In treatises like 'Sahasrayogam', kāțſappa(Ageratum conyzoides) is the Malayalam name given for vișamuști

. In many 'Materia Medicas', vișamuști is interpreted as kāññiram (Strychnos nux-vomica). But, being highly poisonous, it is not advisable to use this plant as an ingredient of Surasādigana and Sulārighrtam. Anyhow, in Kerala A. conyzoides is used as visamuşti.


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