
Showing posts from January, 2021

Medicinal Plants No 24

Albizia odoratissima (Linn.f.) Benth. Mimosaceae (बब्बुल-कुलम्) Eng : : Black siris, Kala siris Hin : Kälä siris a frie) Kan : Bilvāra (Deseo) Mal : Pulivāka, Nellivāka, Karivāka, Kunnivāka (പുളിവാക, നെല്ലിവാക, കരിവാക, കുന്നിവാക) San : Bhūsirişah (yfyra:) Tam: Karuvākai, Sittilavākai (SCHUTNYA, 959 QJ08) Tel : Cinduga, Sirisi, Telsu (Dodox. 383. Beuy) Distribution : Throughout India, in arcas unto an elevation of 1.500 m The plant: A medium sized unarmed tree about 20 m in height with dark coloured young shoots and grey, rough, irregularly cracked bark with dark patches; leaves abruptly pinnate, alternate, main rachis with a gland on the upper side near its basal part and often with similar glands at the bases of the first two pairs of pinnae, leaflets unequal sided, rounded, or semicordate at base, obtuse or rounded at the apex, dark green, slightly pubescent above; flowers white, fragrant, sessile, numerous, in small globose 5–10 or more flowered heads, in corymbiform spr

Medicinal Plants No 23

Albizia lebbeck (Linn.) Benth. Mimosaceae (बब्बुल-कुलम्) Eng : Siris tree Hin : Siris, Sirís (forta, FRA) Kan : Bēgemara (23€7iawo) Mal : Nenmēnivāka, Vāka (omCOM, ) San : Sirişah, Bhandi (fyria, ust) Tam: Vākai, Siridam (ours, P sub) Tel : Dirisana (2815) Distribution: Throughout India, in moist, teak-bearing forests, also cultivated The plant: A medium to large sized unarmed deciduous tree about 20 m in height with an umbrella-shaped crown and grey to dark brown rough irregularly cracked bark; leaves abruptly bipinnate, main rachis with a large gland above the base and one below the uppermost pair of pinnae, pinnae 2 - 4 pairs, leaflets 5 - 9 pairs with glands between their bases, the lateral ones elliptic-oblong, the two terminal ovate-oblong, all unequal sided; flowers white, fragrant, in globose umbellate heads; fruits long, characteristic pods, bluntly pointed, thin, pale yellow, smooth, shiny, reticulately veined above the seed; seeds 4-12, pale brown, ellipsoid, obl

Medicinal Plants No 22

Alangium salvifolium (Linn. f.) Wang. Alangiaceae (अङ्कोल-कुलम्) Eng : Sage-leaved alangium Hin : Angol, Dhērā, Dhēlē (376es, at, CT) Kan : Ankolamara (ಅಂಕೋಲಮರ) Mal : Ankölam, Vēlittondi, Alinnil (Ocabelo, Genooms), moyloym108) San : Ankolah, Ankodah (375, 376 15:) Tam: Alangi (gut) Tel : Ankolamu, Udugucettu (esos.50. 4x3) Distribution: In the forests of south India The plant: A small deciduous trec or shrub, armed or not; leaves alternate, usually unequal at the base; flowers white or yellowishwhite, fragrant, in axillary fascicles; fruits 1-2 secded berries crowned by the calyx lobes, yellowish or red when ripe. Parts used: roots, fruits Properties and uses : The roots are acrid, astringent, emollient, anthelmintic, therinogenic, diuretic and purgative. Root bark is an antidote for several poisons. The roots are useful for external application in acute case of rheumatism, leprosy and inflammation and for external and internal application in case of bites of rabid dogs. F

Medicinal Plants No 21

Ageratum conyzoides Linn. Asteraceae (भृङ्गराज-कुलम्) Eng : Goat weed, Appa grass Hin : Visadödi faggist) Kan : Nayitulasi (JDIJA) Mal : Kattappa, Appa, Muriyan pacca (Hoşg, ong, Down) San : Vişamustiḥ (fource:) Tam : Pūmpullu (yly qui) Distribution: : Throughout India, in plains and hills and in forests as undergrowth The plants : A softly hairy annual weed upto 90 cm in height; leaves opposite or the upper ones alternate, more or less hairy on both sides, margins ciliate; flowers pale in heads, pappus of 5-scales, dilated at the base almost cqualling the corolla; fruits achenes, black in colour, 5-angled and attenuated at the base. Parts used : roots, leaves Properties and uses : The roots are bitter, acrid, thermogenic, digestive, lithontriptic, appetiser and ophthalmic. They are useful in vitiated conditions of kapha and vāta, dyspepsia, anorexia, purulent ophthalmia, renal and vesical calculi and pharyngopathy. The leaves are styptic and antidysenteric, and are commonl

Medicinal Plants No 20

Agaricus campestris Linn. ex Fries (Psalliota campestris (Linn.) Fr.) Agaricaceae (छत्रक-कुलम्) Eng : Mushroom, Common mushroom Hin : Kumbi, Kumi, Sampakichatri (pral, Fant, Hofeozit) Mal : Kun ond) San : Chatrakah, Bhūchatsā (997, 199511) Tam : Nāikkutai (16/TWSGOL) Tel : Kukkagodugu (5052-8° 350x3) Distribution : Throughout India, on dead organic matter The plant: The fungus appears as buttons on the surface of the ground when young; when mature it has underground rhizomorphs, a cylindrical aerial stipe bearing an annulus and an umbrella-shaped fleshy pileus. On the undersurface of the pileus, there are many radiating plate-like gills. Parts used : whole plant. Properties and uses : The fungus is sweet, cooling, indigestible, laxative, aphrodisiac and tonic. It is useful in ophthalmopathy, nasitis. hydrocele, paralysis, hepatodynia, constipation, seminal weakness and general debility. उक्त संस्वेदजं शाकं भूमिच्छन्नं शिलीन्ध्रकम् । क्षितिगोमयकाष्ठेषु वृक्षादिषु च तद् भवेत्

Medicinal Plant No 19

Aerva lanata (Linn.) Juss. ex Schultes Amaranthaceae (तण्डुलीय-कुलम्) Hin : Chāyā, Gorakhgāñjā (3T4T, TRGHIFT) Kan : Bilihindisõppu (20800 Lisa Mal : Cerüla, Ceruvūla, Cerupūļa (ചെറുള, ചെറുപൂള, ചെറുപൂള) San : Bhadrā (461) Tam : Cerupūļai (0) Tel : Pindiceſtu (30&Beve) . Distribution : Throughout India, in waste lands The plant : An erect or prostrate, many branched undershrub, 30 - 60 cm in height, woolly, tomentose throughout; leaves simple, alternate, short-petioled, densely tomentose, usually smaller in the flowering branches; flowers very small, sessile, bisexual, greenish or hoarywhite, often clustered in spikes, perianth calycine membranous, five free, filaments of the five stamens connate at the base with alternating lincar staminodes; fruits greenish, roundish, compressed utricle; seeds kidney shaped with shining black, coriaceous testa. Parts used : whole plant Properties and uses : The plant is astringent, bitter, cooling, emollient, vermifuge, suppurative, di

Medicinal Plants No 18

Aegle marmelos (Linn.) Corr. Rutaceae (जम्बीर-कुलम्) Eng : Bael tree, Holy fruit tree Hin : Bēl, Sirphal (ass, f2405) Kan : Belapatri (23peats Mal : Küvalam, Kūlakam(@yBo, ) San : Vilvaḥ, Sivadrumah, Sriphalaḥ (fara:, fyraga, s1405:) Tam : Kūviļam, Vilvam(on alo, alou) Tel : Bilvamu, Märėdu (Deg I, S860) Distribution: Throughout India,in dry forests, also cultivated The plant: A medium sized armed deciduous tree upto 8.0 m high with straight, sharp,axillary thorns and yellowish brown shallowly furrowed corky bark; leaves trifoliate, aromatic, alternate, leaflets ovatc or ovate-lanceolate, crenate, pellucid-punctate, the laterals subsessile and the terminal long-petioled; ſlowers greenish white, e, sweet scented, in axillary panicles; fruits globosc, woody berry with yellowish rind; seeds numerous oblong, compressed, embedded in orange brown sweet gummy pulp. Parts used: roots, leaves, fruits Properties and uses: The roots are sweet,'astringent, bitter and febrifuge. The

Medicinal Plant No 17

Adenanthera pavonina Linn. Mimosaceae (बब्बुल-कुलम्) Eng : Coralwood tree, Redwood tree Hin : Bārāgunci (arn) Kan : Manjațți (wowe) Mal : Mañcāti (0981) San : Kucandanah, Tamrakah (:, 17:) Tam : Yanai kuntumani (WIT SO Loroof) Tel : Bandigurvina, Mansēnikotta (wo&Ko@gos. Los Distribution: Throughout India, in deciduous forests, also cultivated as avenue trees The plant: A medium sized, handsome unarmed deciduous tree about 20m in height with a clear bole of 6.0 m having greyish brown bark with longitudinal fissures; leaves bipinnate, the pinnae 3 - 6 pairs, opposite, leaflets many, alternate, ovate - oblong, obtuse, glabrous, uncqual sided, dark green abovc; flowers pale yellow, in short peduncled racemes; fruits falcately curved pointed pods, the valves spirally twisted after dehiscence; seeds shining brilliant scarlet, lenticular - globose. Parts used: bark, leaves, seeds, heartwood Properties and uses: The bark and leaves are astringent, vulnerary and aphrodisiac, an

Medicinal plant No 16

Actiniopteris dichotoma Bedd. Polypodiaceae (अश्वकत्री-कुलम्) Eng : Peacock's tail Hin : Mayūrśikhā, Mārpamkhi (Hyforci, Hriat) Kan : Mayūraśikha (Dow03) Mal : Mayūraśikha, Mayilāțumśikha, Nānmukappullų (മയൂരശിഖ, മയിലാടുംശിഖ, നാമ്പുകപ്പുല്ല്) San : Mayūraśikhā (Hyfira) Tam : Mayilatumsikhai (மயிலாடும்சிகை) Tel : Mayūraśikha (5000882) Distribution: Throughout India, very common in the lower hills of Attappady, upto 600 m in Nilgiris. The plant: A herbaceous rniniature palm-like fern upto 25 cm high with densely tufted stipe. Fronds fan-like with numerous dichotomous segments which are rush-like in texture, veins few. sub parallel with distinct midrib, segments of fertile frond longer than those of the barren one, sori lincar, elongate, submarginal. Parts used: whole plant Properties and uses: The plant is bitter, astringent, sweet, cooling, acrid, constipating, anthelmintic, haemostatic, antileprotic and febrifuge. I is useful in vitiated conditions of kapha and pitta, d

Medicinal plant No 15

Acorus Calamus Linn. Araceae (सूरण-कुलम्) Eng : Sweet flag Hin : Bacc, Görbācc (alta, alta) Kan : Bāji (2928) Mal Vayampụ (JBM) San : Vacā, Ugragandhā (901, 341UFET) Tam : Va&ampu (sub ) Tel : Vasa (3) Distribution: Throughout India in areas elevated upto 1,800 m, in marshes, also cultivated The plant: A semi-aquatic rhizomatous perennial herb, rhizome creeping, much branched, as thick as the middle finger, cylindrical or slightly compressed, light brown or pinkish brown externally, white and spongy within; leaves bright green, distichous, ensiform, base equitant, thickened in the middle, margins wavy; flowers light brown densely packed in sessile cylindric spadix; fruits oblong turbinate berries with a pyramidal top; seeds few, pendant from the apex of the cells. Parts used: rhizomes Properties and uses: The rhizome is acrid, bitter, thermogenic, aromatic, intellect promoting, emetic, laxative, carminative, stomachic, anthelmintic, emmenagogue, diuretic, alexeteric, ex

Medicinal plant No 14

Aconitum napellus Linn. (=A.ferox Wall.) Ranunculaceae (वत्सनाभ-कुलम्) Eng : Indian aconite, Monk's hood Hin : Bachnäg, Mithāvis (a9-, Haifa) Kan : Vatsanābhi (DEJ2) Mal : Vatsanābhi (Jonumosl) San : Vatsanābhaḥ (aGYG19:) Tam: Vasanavi (E510) Tel : Vatsanábhi (387.3°?) Distribution: Northern Himalayas of Nepal and Kashmir The plant: A biennial herb with tuberous roots, 60 – 90 cm in height with an erect stem, slender to rather robust, finely pubescent in the upper part; leaves scattered, basal 5 – 6, upper leaves upto 10, petioles slender, blades somewhat fleshy, reniform, rarely cordate-orbicular with a wide and shallow sinus, 5-pędatipartite almost to the base, lobes narrow, inciso-dentate, or laciniate, ultimate segments or teeth acute, uppermost blades sessile or subsessilę, much smaller and less dissected; flowers blue, in loose racemes, floral leaves much reduced and passing into trifid or entire and linear-lanceolate bracts; sepals blue, hairy, uppermost helmet s

Medicinal plant No 13

Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. ex Royle Ranunculaceae (वत्सनाभ-कुलम्) Eng : Atis root Hin : Atis (37) Kan : Ativişa (30) Mal : Ativitayam (cocoloso.) San Ativisā (farast) Tam : Ativadayam (LWL) Tel : Ativasa (v033) Distributrion: Sub-Alpine and Alpine zones of the Himalayas The plant: A herb, stem erect, simple, at times branched; leaves more or less heteromorphous, lowest leaves with long petioles, usually 5-lobed to the middle, uppermost leaves amplexicaul; flowers in leafy panicle, blue or violet; fruits follicles, 16–18 mm long; seeds obpyramidal, blackish brown, angles more or less winged. Roots tuberous, whitish or grey, smooth, cross-section pure white in which 2 - 6 blackish vascular supplies are seen arranged in a discontinuous ring, cylindric-oblong or conic, upto 2.5 cm long and 0.5 – 1.5 cm thick; breaks very easily and tastes very bitter. Parts used: roots Properties and uses: The roots are acrid, bitter, thermogenic, expectorant, alexeteric, stomachic, digestive

Medicinal plant No 12

Achyranthes aspera Linn. Amaranthaceae (तण्डुलीय-कुलम्) Eng : Prickly chaff-flower plant Hin : Circitā, Cicimdā (forfalat, ferest) Kan : Uttarani (eva do) Mal : Katalāți, Vankațalāți, Valiyakațalāți (കടലാടി, വൻകടലാടി, വലിയ കടലാടി) San : Apāmärgah (3797417:) Tam: Katalāti, Nāyuruvi (UL_OUT14, brucial) Tel : Apamargámu (utstop.30) Distribution: Throughout India, along roadsides and waste places as well as on hills upto 900 m The plant: An erect, much branched suffruticose or diffuse shrub upto one metre in height with quadrangular striate pubescent branches, thickened just above the nodes; leaves simple, opposite, exstipulate, velvery tomentose, orbicular, obovate or elliptic, 10 cm long and 7.5 cm broad; flowers bracteate and bracteolate, greenish, deflexed, in slender spikes often 45 cm long; fruits easily disarticulating oblong urticle; seeds single, inverse. Parts used: whole plant Properties and uses: The plant is acrid, bitter, thermogenic, expectorant, revulsive, carmi

Medicinal plant No 11

Acalypha indica Linn. Euphorbiaceae (एरण्ड-कुलम्) Eng : Indian acalypha Hin : Kuppikhokli (yrast) Kan : Kuppigida (FJesno) Mal : Kuppamēni (Alnycom) San : Haritamañjari (Efiah wort) Tam : Kyuppaimēni, Kuppavēņi (GURUJOL, GUL Guovofl) Tel : Kuppicettu, Kuppinta, Muripindi (5u3y3euro 5030w. 518302) Distribution: A weed found throughout the plains of India The plant: An erect, annual herb with numerous ascending branches; leaves long-petioled, ovate or rhombic-ovate, acute, cuneate at base, crenate-serrate, glabrous, thin; both male and female flowers in axillary spikes, male flowers minute, followed by a tuft of sterile flowers, the females scattered, 3 - 5 surrounded by a many-nerved bract; fruits capsules, small, concealed by the bract; seeds ovoid, smooth, pale brown. Parts used: whole plant Properties and uses: The plant is bitter, acrid, expectorant, purgative, emetic, gastrointestinal irritant and diuretic. The roots and leaves are used to treat skin diseases, constipat

Medicinal plant No 10

Acacia sinuata (Lour.) Merr. (A. concinna (Willd.) DC.) Mimosaceae (बब्बुल कुलम् Eng : Soapnut-acacia Hin : Sätalā, Koci (HCCT, peit) Kan : Śēge (Ser) Mal : Carmalanta, Carmantala, Cikkākkā, Cinikkā, Civikkā (ചർമലന്ത, ചർമന്തല, ചീക്കാക്കാ, ചീനിക്കാ, ചീവിക്കാ) San : Saptalā, Carmasāhvā (HTT, GHET) Tam : Cikaikkäi, Ciyakkāi, Cikkāi (6ATU, Gwia, & Sw) Tel : Śikaya (85000) Distribution: Throughout India, in forests The plant: A stout prickly climbing shrub with brown branches dotted with white; leaves bipinnate, main rachis bearing sharp hooked prickles and a large gland on the petiole, pinnae 8 pairs or more, leaflets subsessile, sensitive, unequal sided, glabrous; flowers small in globose heads, polygamous; fruits short-stalked thin pods, flat, coriaceous, the sutures straight; seeds 6 - 10 per pod. Parts used: pods Properties and uses: The pods are bitter, astringent, cooling, diuretic, emetic, deobstruant, detergent, depurative and anthelmintic. They are useful in vitiat

Medicinal plant No 9

Acacia polyantha Willd. (A. suma (Roxb.) Buch.-Ham.) Mimosaceae (वब्बुल-कुलम्) Eng : White cutch tree, White catechu Hin : Svētakhair (stad) Kan : Kandaraha, Mūgali, (podob. Juarto) Mal : Venkarinnāli, Sõmarāyattoli (JM/A003el, GMUODOOOOOEM) San : Kadaraḥ, Sõmavalkah (967, har :) Tam : Kovil, Silaiyuncai (Coral, Fmw46) Tel : Tellatumma, Sõmavalkamu, Tellasundra (తెల్లతుమ్మ, సోమవల్కము, తెల్లసుంద్ర) Distribution: Bengal, Bihar, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, in moist localities The plant: A medium sized tree with white bark exfoliating in papery flakes with horizontal patches of darker colour, young shoots downy; leaves bipinnate, leaflets 30 - 50 pairs, linear-oblong, pubescent, nerves obscure, glands between many of the pairs of pinnae, stipular spines short, straight or slightly hooked; flowers sessile, white, in spikes; fruits flat pods, 7-12 cm long with a triangular beak at the apex; seeds many. Parts used: heartwood Properties and uses: The heartwood is bitter, astringent,

Medicinal plant No 8

Acacia nilotica (Linn.) Willd.ex Del. ssp. indica (Benth.) Brenan (A.arabica auct.non(Lam.) Willd.) Mimosaceae (बब्बुल-कुलम्) Eng : Babul, Black babool, Indian gum arabic tree Hin : Babul, Bābur (aa, aig) Kan : Karijali, Baunijali (FONŮ. 23) Mal : Karivēlam (Docjelo) San : Barburaḥ, Vāvari (acht, arat) Tam : Karuvēlam, Karuvēl (1) Comu, 1 Caja) Tel : Nallatumma (Syšo.32) Distribution: Throughout India, in deciduous forests, also cultivated The plant: A moderate sized tree upto 10 m in height with dark brown or black longitudinally fissured rough bark and reddish brown heartwood, branchlets slender, pubescent when young; leaves bipinnately compound, main rachis downy, often with glands, stipular spines highly variable, often whitish, straight and sharp, pinnae 4 - 9 pairs, leaflets subsessile, 10 - 25 pairs, nearly glabrous; flowers golden yellow in globose heads, peduncles axillary in fascicles of 2 - 6; fruits stalked, compressed, moniliform pods with constrictions between

Medicinal plant No 7

Acacia leucophloea (Roxb.) Willd. Mimosaceae (बब्बुल-कुलम्) Eng : White babool, Distiller's acacia Hin : Safed bābul, Sarāb ki kikār (7466 algo, pria fer for fore) Kan : Bilijāli (200220) Mal : Veļvēlam, Veļvēlakam (UM CIJE), DUJOJOJA.) San : Arimēdah (3745:) Tam: Velvēlam, Pattaiccārāyamaram (வெள்வேலம், பட்டைச்சாராயமரம்) Tel : Tellatumma (go) Distribution: Throughout India, in dry deciduous forests The plant: A moderate sized tree upto 30 m in height with spreading branches, crooked and gnarled stems, white spines and pale yellowish grey to nearly white bark with pale red inside: leaves bipinnate, 2.5-5 cm long, main rachis pubescent with a cup-shaped gland between each pair of pinnae, 5-15 pairs of pinnae of 12-30 pairs linear-oblong, obtuse; flowers in large terminal tomentose panicles, heads numerous, globose; fruits sessile, thin, flat, slightly curved pods, covered with pale brown tomentum; seeds 10 - 20 per pod. Parts used: bark Properties and uses: The bark is a

Medicinal plant no 6

Acacia catechu (Linn.f.) Willd. Mimosaceae (बब्बुल-कुलम्) Eng : Cutch tree Hin : Khair, Khaira (ch, d) Kan : Kaļu (Fess) Mal : Karinnāli (10760130en) San : Khadiraḥ (ufc :) Tam: Karunkāli (5(685) Tel : Podalimänu (2OS555) Distribution : Eastern slopes of Western Ghats, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab and Himalayas upto an elevation of 1,500 m The plant: A moderate sized deciduous tree, 9–12 m in height with dark greyish or brown rough bark and hooked short spines, leaves bipinnately compound, leaflets 30 - 50 pairs, main rachis pubescent with a large conspicuous gland near the middle of the rachis; flowers pale yellow, sessile in peduncled axillary spikes; fruits flat brown pods, shiny and with a triangular beak at the apex and narrowed at the base; seeds 3-10 per pod. The gummy extract of the wood is commercially known as 'kath' or cutch'. The cutch available in the market is brittle of different shapes and dark brown in colour. On breaking, it is found to be shi

medicinal plant no 5

Acacia caesia (Linn.) Willd. (A.intsia Willd.) Mimosaceae (बब्बुल-कुलम् ) Hin : Ailā, Nikuñcam (Tast, Fachota) Kan : Antarike (S0307) Mal : Iñca, lñca (WV6WJ, DOD) San : Nikuñjikā (Fagorat) Tam : Iñcakkāi, Sinkkāi (acúsW, Grosu) Tel : Nallsandra (Božoje) Distribution : Throughout India, in dry forests The plant: A large climbing prickly shrub with 5-angled stem; leaves compound, rachis 10 - 20 cm long with a large oblong swollen gland at the base and below 3 - 4 of the uppermost pinnae; leaflets 8-15 pairs, glabrous; flowers white in axillary and terminal panicles; fruits thin pods, dark brown with thickened sutures. Parts used: bark, flowers Properties and uses: The soft beaten bark of the plant has cleansing properties and protects the skin against microorganisms. The flowers are reported to be used by Santal women to treat menstrual disorders. " निकुञ्जिका कुञ्जिका स्यात् प्रोक्ता सा कुञ्जवल्लरी । बृहदल्ली (79.) (Nikunjikā kunjikā syāt proktā sa kunjavallari Brhadva

medicinal plant no 4

Abrus precatorius Linn. Fabaceae (अपराजिता-कुलम्) Eng : Jequirity, Indian liquorice, Wild liquorice Kan : Gurugunji (TWOJTJO) Hin : Guñci, Ratti, Guñcăci (Toran, Fe, Tart) Mal - : Kunni (om) San : Guñjā (546) Tam : Kuntumani (5.5 SLOf) Tel : Guruginja (Xovio:) Distribution: Throughout India, on hedges and bushes in exposed areas The plant: A deciduous, wiry climber with tough branches; leaves abruptly pinnate with many pairs of leaflets, the rachis ending in a spine; the leaflets oblong, rounded at both ends, thinly membranous; flowers pink, clustered on tubercles arranged along the rachis of one-sided pedunculate raceme; fruits pods, turgid with a sharp deflexed beak; seeds usually scarlet with a black spot or sometimes pure white. Parts used: roots, leaves, seeds Properties and uses: The roots and leaves are astringent, sweet, emetic,diuretic and alexeteric. They are useful in cough, pharyngodynia, pectoralgia, inflammation, strangury and in vitiated conditions of vāta. T

medicinal plant no 3

Abies spectabilis (D.Don) Mirb. (=A.webbiana Lindl.) Pinaceae (देवदारु-कुलम्) Eng : East Himalayan silver fir Hin : Talispatra, Talispatri (arc 31, aithf) Kan : Talisapatri (347013) Mal : Tälisapatram (meno).) San : Tālisam. Tälīsapatram (arti, athy) Tam: Tālisapatri (Gofrugifl) Tel : Taļīsapatri (cima) Distribution :Upper Himalayan tracts The plant: A very tall evergreen tree attaining a height of 60 m with strong horizontally spreading branches, young shoots covered with. short brown hair, leaves simple, densely covering the twigs spreading in all directions, but more or less distichous when the twigs are viewed from below, each leaf 1.5-2.3 cm long; the cones are bluish in colour, seeds winged. Parts used : leaves Properties and uses : The leaves are bitter, sweet, acrid, thermogenic, aromatic, anodyne, expectorant, digestive, carminative, stomachic, antispasmodic, diuretic, febrifuge and tonic. They are useful in vitiated conditions of kapha and vāta, cough, asthma, bro

Medicinal plants no 1

Coll. No. AVD. Abelmoschus esculentus (Hibiscus esculentus Linn.) Malvaceae: (61Y7-) esculentus (Linn.) Moench EngLady's finger, Okra Hin Bhindí, Bhingí-tori (/Usi, fiyugt-art Bendekäyi, (cdotdeadis) Veta (0aims) Kan Mal San Bheda (USTD Ventai (oaoiI 6n) Bendakaya (Boësra) Tam Tel Distribution: Throughout India, cultivated in areas upto 1.200 m The plant: An annual crect herb, 0.9- 2.1 m in height, covered with hair throughout; leaves simple, alternate, palmately 3-5 lobed, coarsely toothed, scabrous; flowers large, yellow with a purple centre. staminal tube antheriferous throughout; fruits long. 6-8 ribbed. capsular; seeds many, rounded, striate. Parts used: fruits Properties and uses: The fruits are sweet, mucilaginous, emollient, cooling. aphrodisiac, stomachic, haematinic, demulcent, diuretic, constipating and tonic. They are useful in vitiated conditions of pitta. gonorthoea. urethrorrhea, abdominal disorders, anaemia, pruritus, strangury diarrhoca and general debi

Medicinal plant no 2

Abelmoschus moschatus Medikus (Hibiscus abelmoschus Linn.) Malvaceae (कार्पास-कुलम्) Eng : Musk mallow, Ambrette seed plant Hin : Latākastūri, Maskdānā (darant , TTTI) Kan : Kadukastūri (How Tieo) Mal : Latākastūri, Kāțțukastūri, Kastūrivența (ലതാകസ്തരി, കാട്ടുകരി, കസ്തൂരിവെണ്ട) San : Latākastūrikā (salataficht ) Tam : Vettrilaikkasturi, Kattukkasturi (வெற்றிலைக் கஸ்தூரி, காட்டுக் கஸ்தூரி) Tel : Kastūribendavittu (SOUS-BOIS)) Distribution : Cultivated throughout India The plant : An erect hirsute or hispid annual herb, 60 – 180 cm in height; leaves simple, of varying shapes, usually palmately 3-7 lobed, lobes narrow-acute or oblong-ovate, crenate, serrate or irregularly toothed, hairy on both surfaces; ſlowers large, yellow with purple centre; fruits fulvous-hairy, capsular; seeds many, subreniform, black or greyish brown, scented. Parts used: seeds Properties and uses: The seeds are bitter, sweet, acrid, aromatic, cooling, aphrodisiac, ophthalmic, cardiotonic, digestive, stomachic, co