
Showing posts from February, 2021

Medicinal Plants No 49

Areca catechu Linn. Arecaceae : (पूग-कुलम्) Eng : Arecanut tree, Betelnut tree Hin : Supari (9) Kan : Adike (eas) Mal : Kavunnų, Kamunnü, Kamukų, Ațaykkämaram (കവുങ്ങ്, കമുങ്ങ്, കമുക്, അടയ്ക്കാമരം) San : Pūgah (9) Tam : Pakkumaram (USGLDTI) Tel : Vakka, Põka (352-365) Distribution : Cultivated throughout India The plant : A tall slender unbranched palm with a crown of leaves, stem annulate; leaves pinnate with a conspicuous sheath; flowers in spadix, male many at the upper portion, female much larger and few at the base; fruits 3.8 - 5 cm long, smooth, orange or scarlet when ripe. Parts used: roots, leaves, fruits Properties and uses : A decoction of the root is a reputed cure for sore lips. The juice of tender leaves is mixed with oil and is used as an embrocation in cases of lumbago. The nuts are used either raw or cured. They are cooling, astringent, diuretic, digestive, anthelmintic, aphrodisiac, ſervine tonic and emmenagogue. They are useful in urinary disorders, anore

Medicinal Plants No 48

Arachis hypogaea Linn Fabaceae : (अपराजिता-कुलम्) Eng : Groundnut, Peanut, Monkeynut Hin : Mùng-phali (Hi-het) Kan : Nīlakadali (Dre Foo) Mal : Nilakkațala (meconse) San : Bhūcaņakaḥ, Mandapi (qua;, Hu54) Tam : Vērkkațalal (CUSAL_00) Tei : Vēruśenagalu (oužstev) Distribution : Throughout India, cultivated The Plant: A branched hairy annual herb with erect branches trailing on the ground; leaves compound, pulvinate, 8–12 cm long, leaflets oblong to obovate, entire; flowers yellow, axillary, fascicled; fruits pods, ripening underground, leathery, containing 1-3 seeds; each seed with a thin brown seed-coat and two fleshy white cotyledons rich in oil and proteins. Parts used : seeds, oil Properties and uses : The seeds are sweet, oleagenous, aphrodisiac, galactagogue, constipating and tonic and are useful in agalactia, diarrhoea and general debility. The oil is sweet, purgative and emollient, and is used in nephropathy and dislocated joints. "द्वित्रिबीजो भूचणकः स्नेहाढ्यो

Medicinal Plants No 47

Aquilaria agallocha Roxb. Thymeleaceae (अगुरु-कुलम्) Eng : Aloe wood, Eagle wood Hin : Agar (377) Kan : Krisnagaru (ಕೃಷ್ಣಾಗರು) Mal : Akil, Karakil ( 108, Good108) San : Aguruh, Krsnaguruh (3745 7501? 15:) Tam: Agar, Agalicandanám, Krsnaguru (அகர், அகலிசந்தனம், கிருஷ்ணாகுரு) Tel : Krsnāgaru (saxo) Distribution: In the forests of Bhutan, Bengal, Assam and Myanmar The Plant: A large evergreen tree about 21 m in height and 1.5-2.4 m in girth with somewhat straight and fluted stem; leaves linear-lanceolate to ovate-oblong, 5-9 cm long, silky glossy and faintly parallel nerved; flowers small, greenish on very slender pilose petioles in shortly peduncled umbels, on younger branchlets, perianth about 5 mm long, slightly hairy outside, stamens alternate the perianth, filaments red at the apex, ovary tawny-tomentose; fruits slightly compressed, yellowish tomentose capsules. Commercially used fragrant-resinous agar wood is formed in the interior of the old tree. The tree contains plen

Medicinal Plants No 46

polystachya (Wall.) Parker (Amoora rohituka (Roxb.) Wight & Arn.) Meliaceae (निम्ब-कुलम्) ) Eng : Rohituka tree Hin : Harin-hára afa-ERT Kan : Mullumuntala (wwer duose) Mal : Cemmaram (2000.) San: Röhitakah :) Tam: Malampuluvan, Semmaram (LDOULD Y6ucir, OFLOLITUD) Tel : Sēvamănu (3505) Distribution : Throughout India, in evergreen forests The plant: A medium to large sized tree, 18–25 m in height with a cylindrical bole and a heavy crown, bark greyish brown to dark brown, rough, exfoliating in circular flakes, wood reddish brown, leaves large, imparipinnate, leaflets opposite, 9-17 in number, elliptic-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous on both surfaces; male flowers numerous in axillary panicles, female or bisexual flowers larger than male in axillary or supra-axillary solitar spikes; fruits globular, smooth, yellow when ripe, opening by 3-valved; seeds with scarlet aril. Parts used : bark, seeds Properties and uses: The bark is acrid, astringent, bitter,

Medicinal Plants No 45

Anogeissus latifolia (Roxb. ex DC.) Wall. ex Guill & Perr. Combretaceae (हरीतकी-कुलम्) Eng : Axle wood Hin : Dhavā, Dhaura, Båkali (al, eitt, alhot) Kan : Dinduge (Dodurt) Mal : Vellanava, Malukkåññiram (133MOJ, 097293 Toro 10.) San : Dhavaḥ (ta:) Tam : Ve!!anagai, Vellanamai (QOUGITT 1605, DWUOITOT GOLD) Tel. : Cerimānu, Sirikarra (38555, 3850) Distribution : Throughout India,in deciduous forests The plant : A large deciduous tree upto 30 m in height with a clear bole of 15 m and with greenish or greyish white smooth bark exfoliating in irregular thin scales; leaves elliptic or suborbicular, obtuse at the apex, rounded or sometimes cordate at base, glabrous when fully grown, midrib prominent, pink, main nerves 6–10 pairs arching, prominent on the lower side, leaves turning red before falling; flowers sessile in small dense heads; fruits small, many in a globular head, yellowish brown, winged, beaked with the persistent calyx enclosing a single seed. Parts used : roots,

Medicinal Plants No 44

Annona squamosa Linn. Annonaceae (काष्ठदारु-कुलम्) Eng : Custard apple, Sugar apple Hin : Sitäphal (145) Kan : Sitäphala (2992DE) : Sitappalam, Attaccakka (mimog So, GO 00360) San : Sītāphalam (H1414) Tam : Sitäppa!am (GSSTÚLY) 'Tel : Sītāapandu (Bosodo) Distribution : Throughout India, cultivated The plant: A small tree about 6.0 m in height; leaves simple, alternate, bifarious, oblong-lanceolate or elliptic obtuse, glabrous above, lateral nerves 8–11 pairs ascending; Ilowers yellowish green, solitary, leaf-opposed or 2-4 on short extra axillary branchlets, sepals and petals three each; fruits yellowish green, globose with well marked areoles easily breaking into large pieces; seeds hard, brownish black, smooth. Parts used : roots, leaves, fruits, seeds Properties and uses : The roots are powerful purgative, and are useful in mental depression and spinal disorders. The leaves are suppurative and insecticidal, and are useful in destroying lice, proctoptosis in children

Medicinal Plants No 43

Anisomeles malabarica (Linn.) R.Br. Lamiaceae (तुळसी-कुलम्) Eng : Malabar catmint Hin : Códhără (TETT) Kan : Karitumbi (FOZJ029) Mal : Karintumpa (Dolmamu) San : Vaikunthaḥ, Mahädrónah (aqua, HEICTOT:) Tam: Pěyimarutti, Pěyåmeratti (CUILDIKL.14, Cuur OLIL_44) Tel : Mogabirāku (ZUXRO-53) Distribution : Throughout south India (Deccan plateau) The plant : An erect shrub about 1.8 m in height with obtusely tetragonous and softly white-tomentose stems and branches; leaves simple, opposite, very thick, aromatic, oblong-lanceolate, acute, pale above, white below, crenate-serrate, softly woolly; flowers purple, ir. dense whorls of more or less interrupted spikcs; fruits nutlets, ellipsoid, compressed, the inner face slightly angular, the dorsal rounded, smooth, brown. Parts used: whole plant Properties and uses : The plant is acrid, bitter, aromatic, intellect promoting, stomachic, anthelmintic, febrifuge and sudorific. It is useful in halitosis, epilepsy, hysteria, amentia, anorex

Medicinal Plants No 42

Anethum graveolens Linn. (Anethum sowa Roxb. ex DC. Peucedanum graveolens Linn. (in part)) Apiaceae (शतपुष्पा-कुलम्) Eng : Dill, Garden dill, Anet Hin : Söyă (HR) Kan : Sabbasige (ಸಬ್ಬಸಿಗೆ) Mal : Satakuppa (100) San : Śatapuspa (Payout) Tam : Satakuppi (HSGULI) Tel : Śatakuppivittulu (šosv.3) Desser) Distribution: Throughout India, cultivated The plant: A glabrous aromatic annual herb, 30–90 cm in height with hollow finely grooved stem, striped dark green and white with bluish spots; leaves compound, 2-3 pinnate, bluish green, segments filiform, leafsheath surrounds the stem; flowers yellow, in flat compound umbels; fruits narrowly winged, vittae large and conspicuous. Parts used: fruits Properties and uses: The fruits are acrid, bitter, thermogenic, deodorant, digestive, carminative, stoinachic, anthelmintic, anodyne, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, emmenagogue, galactagogue, expectorant, cardiotonic, anaphrodisiac, febrifuge, sudorific, antispasmodic, antidysenteric, alexete

Medicinal Plants No 41

Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Wall. ex Nees Acanthaceae (वाशा-कुलम्) Eng : Green chiretta, Kalmegh, Creat. Hin : Kålamėgh, Kalpakath (Cha, CTT) Kan : Nelaběru (Bezbedo) Mal : Nilavěppụ, Kiriyatta (mleicuot, D100000)). San : Bhunimbaḥ, Kirātatiktaḥ (ftra , facrafeen :) Tam : Nilavempu (MoCoLDY) Tel : Nēlavēmu (3833) Distribution: Throughout India, in the plains, also in forests as undergrowth The plant: An erect, branched annual herb, 0.3 m to 0.9 m in height with quadrangular branches; leaves simple, lanceolate, acute at both ends, glabrous, main nerves 4-6 pairs; flowers small, pale but blotched and spotted with brown and purple distant in lax spreading axillary and terminal racemes or panicles, calyx-lobes glandular pubescent, anthers bearded at the base; fruits linear capsules, acute at both ends; seeds numerous, yellowish brown, subquadrate. Parts used: whole plant Properties and uses: The plant is bitter, acrid, cooling, laxative, vulnerary, antipyretic, antiperiod

Medicinal Plants No 40

Ananas comosus (Linn.) Merrill (A.sativus Schultes f.) Bromeliaceae (अनंनास-कुलम्) Eng : Pineapple Hin : Ananās (3716TH) Kan : Anasahannu (GSTIDO) Mal : Kaitaccakka, Kappaccakka, Ananás (കൈതച്ചക്ക, കപ്പച്ചക്ക, അനനാസ്) San : Anamnásam, Bahunētſaphalam (31İTH, 2677190) Tam : Annāśippalam ( 760 Müdyo) Tel : Annasapandu (e.Jojoxo) Distribution: Throughout India, cultivated The plant: A herbaceous perennial with a short stout stem; leaves numerous, spirally and compactly arranged, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, margins spiny, toothed, shining on the upper surface, those subtending the inflorescence small, much reduced, reddish; heads terminal, ovoid, bracicoles reddish, numerous, triangluar-ovato to oblong-ovate, imbricate ; fruits composite, succulent, bearing a crown of leaves. Parts used: fruits, leaves Properties and uses: The unripe fruits are sour, cooling, appetiser, digestive, anthelmintic, cathartic, cardiotonic, uterine tonic, emmenagogue and febrifuge. They are useful

Medicinal Plants No 39

Anamirta cocculus (Linn.) Wight & Arn. (A.paniculata Colebr.) Menispermaceae (गुडूची-कुलम्) Eng : Levant berries, Fish berries, Crow killer Hin : Kākamāri (106977) Kan : Kākamāri, Kayamari (DoFado, Davaoo) Mal : Polla, Kollakkāya, Pēffumarunnų (പൊളള, കൊല്ലക്കായ, പേറ്റുമരുന്ന San : Garalaphala, Käkamári (TR00951, 1947) Tam: Käkamári (&T slotif) Tel : Gara!aphala, Käkinicampacețțu (x0$že, sošoSoBBew Distribution: Throughout Irīdia in forests The plant: A large,woody, climbing shrub with vertically furrowed ash coloured bark and glabrous young parts; leaves large, simple, alternate, long-petioled, petioles thickened at the base and apex, broadly ovate, subcoriaceous, cordate or truncate at the base, acute or acuminate, 5-nerved with tufts of hairs in the axils of the nerves except the basal ones; flowers greenish in long panicles, drooping from the nodes of the old wood; fruits drupes, kidney shaped, turning red on ripening. Parts used: leaves, fruits Properties and us

Medicinal Plants No 38

Anacyclus pyrethrum DC. Asteraceae : (भृङ्गराज-कुलम्) Eng : Pellitory Hin : Akarkarā (379) Kan : Akkalakara (08080) Mal : Akkikkaruka, Akkrāvų (Moal000), Mosong) San : Agragrāhi, Akärakarabhah (TTTET, 34014:) Tam : Akkirakkaram, Akkalkara (அக்கிரக்காரம், அக்கல்காரா) Tel : Akaråkaramu (esoos830) Distribution: Indigenous to north Africa, introduced into south Europe The plant: A perennial, procumbent plant with numerous stems and somewhat downy branches; leaves radical, stalked, smooth, pinnatisect into linear, subulate segments, cauline leaves sessile; branches one-headed, involucral scales lanceolate, acuminate, brown at the edge, receptacle convex; ray flowers white, purplish beneath. The fresh root is fusiform, fleshy and very pungent, producing a sensation of cold followed by heat. When dry it is brownish externally and whitish internally. It tastes hot, induces salivation and causes a burning sensatici in the stomach when ingested. Parts used: roots Properties and uses:

Medicinal Plants No 37

Anacardium occidentale Linn. Anacardiaceae : (आम्र-कुलम्) Eng : Cashewnut tree Hin : Dük, Kāju (500) Kan : Gērumara, Turakagēru (Medido sofred.) Mal : Kaśumāvụ, Parankimăvų (Aswajoon, jooni) : Vrkkabijah, Vrkkaphalah, Vēnāmrah (वृक्कबीजः, वृक्कफलः, वेनाम्रः) Tam : Muntiri (fi) Tel : Gidimăvridi (32) Distribution: Cultivated and wild especially on the sea coast The plant: A small tree with short, thick, crooked trunk; leaves large, obovate, rounded at the apex; inflorescence terminal, longer than the leaves; flowers yellow, streaked with pink; fruits greenish grey, nuts on yellow or scarlet flesh pedicel. Parts used: roots, bark, leaves, fruits Properties and uses: The roots are considered purgative. The bark has alterative propertics and is used along with the inflorescence for the treatment of snakebite. The bark and leaves are useful in odontalgia and ulitis. The gum from the bark is recommended in leprosy, ringworm, corns and obstinate ulcers. Fruits are acrid, sweet, th

Medicinal Plants No 36

Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson var. companulatus (Decne.) Sivad. (A. campanulatus Decne.) Araceae : (सूरण-कुलम्) Eng : Elephant foot yam Hin : Süran, Jamikand (EPOT, FHP) Kan : Suvarnagadda (Rwania Mal : Cěna (Ram) San : Süraṇaḥ (TUT:) Tam : Karuņaikkilanku (569) Syne) Tel : Kandagadda (soon) Distribution: Throughout India, cultivated The plant: A stout herbaceous plant with underground hemispherical depressed dark brown corm; leaves compound, large, solitary, petiole stout, mottled, 60–90 cîn long, leaflets 5--12.5 cm long of variable width, obovate or oblong, acute, strongly and many-nerved; male and female inflorescences contiguous, neuters absent, appendage of spadix subglobose or amorphous, equalling or longer than the fertile region, spathe campanulate, pointed, strongly, closely veined, externally, base within purple, margins recurved, undulate and crisped, male inflorescence subturbinate, female 7.5cm or more long; fruits obovoid 2–3 s

Medicinal Plants No 35

Amomum subulatum Roxb. Zingiberaceae : (आर्दक-कुलम्) Eng : Greater cardamom, Nepal cardamom Hin : Baời llayaci, Båri llayacă (ast crezit, an orie) Kan : Doddayelakki (Duas over Mal : Pěrělam (GnGoelo) : Sthūlaila, Bhadraila (PTAT, 40CT) Tam : Periya ēlam, Kättēlam, Pērēlam (பெரிய ஏலம், காட்டேலம், பேரேலம்) : Pedda éiakkaya, Adaviëlakkaya (పెద్ద ఏలక్కాయ, అడవి ఏలక్కాయ) Tel Distribution: In the Eastern Himalayas The plant: A herb with leafy stem upto 90–100 cm in height, leaves oblong-lanceolate, bright green, glabrous on both surfaces; flowers white in globose shortly peduncled spikes, bracts reddish brown, lip ovate-cuneate, emarginate, yellowish white, filaments very short, anther crest small, truncate, entire; fruits reddish brown, densely echinate globose capsules; seeds many, held together by a viscid sugary pulp. Parts used: seeds Properties and uses: The seeds are acrid, bitter, aromatic, thermogenic, deodorant, appetiser, carminative, digestive, stomachic, constipating

Medicinal Plants No 34

Ammania baccifera Linn. ssp. baccifera Lythraceae : (धातकी-कुलम्) Eng : Blistering ammania Hin : Dädamårī, Kuranță (ETGTHRT, FRUCT) Mal : Nirummělneruppu, Kalluruvi Mojc2008 omog, Drejoon) San : Kurandikå (gefüSat) Tam : Kalluruvi, Nīſummēl neruppu (soj 61, Bri Colori OGGUL Tel : Agnivendrapāku (eng.Jolet 50) Distribution: Throughout India,in marshy localities The plant: An erect glabrous reddish herb upto 60 cm in height, branches usually opposite; leaves lower opposite, upper sometimes alternate, oblong or narrow-elliptic, rounded or subcordate, usually obtuse or subacute; flowers reddish in dense axillary clusters, apetalous or with minute petals; fruits depressed globose capsules covered by calyx tube upto the middle. Parts used: whole plant Properties and uses: The plant is bitter, acrid, cooling, appetiser, rubifacient, laxative, stomachic, diuretic, aphrodisiac and lithontriptic. It is useful in vitiated conditions of kapha and pitta, burning sensation, anorexia, dys

Medicinal Plants No 33

Amaranthus spinosus Linn. Amaranthaceae (तण्डुलीय-कुलम्) Eng : Prickly amaranth Hin : Caulēyi, Kațēli (atsseit, F237) Kan : Mulluhalavesõppu (wwey Jorda) Mal : Mullancira, Cerucira (218310, 0202110) San : Tandulīyaḥ (quçota ) Tam : Mullukkirai (Lotos&o) Tel : Mullutoțakūra (sušijerewsvog) Distribution: Throughout India, in waste lands The plant: An erect, glabrous, spinous herb, varying in colour from green lo red or purple, 30–60 cm in height with grooved branches and sharp divaricate spines in the leaf axils; leaves simple, alternate, ovate, lanceolate or oblong, entire, glabrous above, main nerves numerous, conspicuous below; flowers small, sessile, yellowish white or pale green, numerours, in dense axillary clusters and in terminal or interrupted spikes; fruits ovoid capsules, membranous, circumscissile about the middle. Parts used: whole plant Properties and uses: The plant is sweet, cooling, alexeteric, laxative, diuretic, stomachic, antipyretic, febrifuge, sudori

Medicinal Plants No 32

Alternanthera sessilis (Linn.) R.Br.ex DC. (A. triandra Lam.) Amaranthaceae (तण्डुलीय-कुलम्) Hin : Gudrisag (ufcum) Kan : Hõnugonesoppu (sreis) Mal : Minannāņi, Ponnannani, Ponnankannikkira (m601306m, OnjomcoBoom), Onomosomalo) San : Matsyaksi, Patturah (Hifpereit, ") Tam: Ponnannkanņikkirai (QUITGT TITIBIS.Got cooled) Tel : Ponnagantikūra (Josy Moc 35008) Distribution: Throughout India,in moist places upto 2,100 m, often cultivated. The plant: A much branched prostrate herb, branches often purplish, frequently rooting at the lower nodes; leaves simple, opposite, somewhat Meshy, lanceolate, oblanceolate or linear-oblong, obtuse or subacute, sometimes obscurely denticulate, glabrous, shortly petiolate; flowers small, white, in axillary clusters; fruits compressed obcordate utricles, seeds suborbicular. Parts used: whole' plant Properties and uses: The plant is bitter, sweet, astringent, acrid, cooling, constipating, depurative, digestive, cholagogue, galactagogue an

Medicinal Plants No 31

Alstonia scholaris (Linn.) R.Br. Apocynaceae (कुटज-कुलम्) Eng : Devil tree, Shaitan wood Hin : Chāttiyān, Saittän kā jat ( ER, TIH AT HTC) Kan : Hāle (28) Mal : Elilampāla, Yaksippala, Pāla, Daivappala (ഏഴിലംപാല, യക്ഷിപ്പാല, പാല, ദൈവപ്പാല) San : Saptaparmaḥ, Saptachadah (196790f, 744899 :) Tam: Elilappalai, Pälai (yuu, WIT) Tel : Phalagaruda, Eļākularațicettu, Ėdakulaphala (ఫలగరుడ, ఏడాకులరటిచెట్టు. ఏడాకులఫల) Distribution: Throughout India,in deciduous and evergreen forests, also i plains The plant: A large evergreen tree upto 3.0 m in height with a straight ofte fluted and buttressed bole, about 110 cm in diameter, bark greyish brown, rough, lenticellate abounding in bitter, milky latex; leaves 4in a whorl, coriaceous, elliptic-oblong, pale beneath; flowers small, greenish white, numerous in umbellate panicles, corolla tube short, very strongly scented; fruits follicles, 30-60 cm long; seeds papillose with brownish hair at each end. Parts used: bark, leaves, milky exudate P

Medicinal Plants No 30

Alstonia venenata R.Br. Apocynaceae (कुटज-कुलम्) Mal : Analivēgam (come Co.) Kan : Addasoppu (es isety) San Visaghni, Anadană (faqe , STAIGT) Tam : Sinnappālai (FOTÚLIN) Distribution: Throughout India in deciduous forests in areas upto 1,800 m elevation The plant: A large shrub or a small tree upto 6.0 m in height with greyish brown bark and bright yellow hard and woody root; leaves simple, whorls of 3-6, membranous, lanceolate, margins wavy, finely acuminate, main nerves numerous, close, parallel, united by intramarginal nerve; flowers white, in terminal, subumbellate cyme or in racemes, fruits fusiform, stalked and beaked follicles, tapering at both ends, seeds many, flattened with a tuft of hair at each end. Parts used: roots, fruits Properties and uses: The roots are bitter, astringent, thermogenic, depurative, antitoxic, febrifuge and anodyne. They are useful in ski diseases, erysipelas, leprosy, cobra bite and other venomous bites, epilepsy, fatigue, fever and otalgia

Alpinia galanga (Greater galangal , Java galangal) Special information

'The Glossary of Vegetable Drugs in Bșhattſayi', however, advises us to use the root and mentions that it is A.galanga which is being used as a substitute for this drug in south India. It also adds that the synonyms of rāsnā such as eluparni, rasnā, yuktarasa and gandhamula are appropriate for Pluchea lanceolata and warns us against using Vanda roxburghii and such other orchids. On the contrary, 'Wealth of India, and Indian Medicinal Plants' identify rāsnā and its synonyms as Vanda tessellata (V.roxburghii). For Pluchea lanceolata the former gives rāsnā as its Sanskrit name. Both these attribute to Vanda tessellata all the properties and uses mentioned in Ayurvedic texts for rāsnā. However, while 'Wealth of India' recommends the whole plant of Pluchea lanceolata for medicinal purposes. `Indian Medicinal Plants used in Ayurvedic preparations' (A.C.Dey, 1980) also identifies rāsnā as Vanda tessellata. While Dr A. Lakshmipathi (1946) in '100 useful Drugs